In 2024, Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church won the Interfaith Power & Light Cool Congregations Renewable Role Model Award for developing a Community Solar project with newly installed solar on the roof of their facility whose output exceeded their needs. How did they do that? What are some of the incentives and options for getting solar on your property? Mark and June Eakin will present their church’s story and offer resources for other congregations interested in adding to our nation’s renewable energy portfolio.
Webinar Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Presenters: Mark and June Eakin, Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church
June Eakin is an elder and deacon in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and a member of Warner Memorial Presbyterian in Kensington Maryland. Retired from administrative work, she’s happiest when able to spend time outdoors. She spearheads the Earth Stewardship Team at Warner Memorial, now in its 15th year, with projects from education, energy conservation, and productive gardening to the recently completed community solar project atop the church roof.
Mark Eakin worked for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for over 25 years and directed Coral Reef Watch, a program that monitors coral reef ecosystems through satellite and in water observations. He formerly co-chaired the US Coral Reef Task Force’s Climate Change Working Group, has testified before Congress on the impacts of climate change, was a contributing author on the 2014 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Assessment Report, and a Chief Scientific Advisor for the 2017 Sundance-winning film Chasing Coral. Mark currently serves on the PEC Steering Committee as the Mid-Atlantic Regional Representative.