The starting point for In Deep Waters: Spiritual Care for Young People in a Climate Crisis is not news: the world as we know it is shifting. Several millennia of climate stability have come to an abrupt end. But, observes Talitha Amadea Aho, the young people of today do not remember stability. They see the world through crisis-colored glasses. Climate change is creating a spiritual emergency that is hitting their generation harder than any other.
Today’s climate crisis calls people of faith to a communal spiritual practice of care, especially for those who are more vulnerable because of their youth–the children, youth, and young adults of Generation Z. We must learn how to offer spiritual care that is informed by the spiritual-ecological crisis of their generation. Rev. Aho guides us with her pastoral and chaplain experience to keep young people at the center of our communities and listen to the troubles they have to share. Whether you are a Gen Z peer or a caring adult of any other generation, this webinar will show you how to offer ecologically informed spiritual care.
Date: Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Presenter: Talitha Amadea Aho
Author Talitha Amadea Aho is a chaplain at UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland and a minister member of the Presbytery of San Francisco. Recently, she served as a pastor at Montclair Presbyterian Church, the largest Presbyterian congregation in Oakland, where she was responsible for children and youth programs. She has been in ministry to the young since she was old enough to qualify as a chaperone—both at church camps and churches on the East coast, and with the nonprofit organization Children of Uganda.