Let Justice Roll Down
All are invited to join Presbyterians for Earth Care for a virtual monthly study of:
Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation
by Patricia K. Tull
Suggestions for Leaders by Rebecca Barnes

Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation,
describes her call for creation justice in this way: “When I first learned of the climate crisis, I wondered how a biblical scholar with few practical skills could help and found my purpose in learning about ecology and teaching people of faith what I could. Such is not everyone’s skillset or desire, but each of us has something to do with all our hearts.”
Readers will learn about ecological systems, the challenges we face in this time of accelerated climate change, and the possibilities available to address or counter the impact of human-made stress on our environment. Further, readers will explore theological questions that point us to act and engage, in small and large ways.
CLICK HERE for information on how to order the book for the study ($10). Reading the chapter in advance is helpful, but not required.
NEW UPDATE! Rebecca Barnes will be joining our discussion on October 27th and Patricia Tull will be joining us on Jan. 26th!
Meeting ID: 856 4486 1027
Passcode: 932940
Lesson Resources
Lesson One: Environmental Justice
God’s World Is Changing: New Hymns for Christmas and Advent
by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
Into the Light: Finding Hope Through Prayers of Lament
by P. Lynn Miller
Lesson Two: Land Justice
Finding the Mother Tree: Finding the Wisdom of the Forest, by Suzanne Simard
The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate, by Peter Wholleben
Speak with the Earth and it will Teach You: A Field Guide to the Bible, by Daniel Copperrider
Sacred Sense: Discovering the Wonder of God’s Word and World, by William Brown
Rewiring America
State offices of Interfaith Power & Light
NAACP – Environmental& Climate Justice
Earth Justice
NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council)
Minimum Viable Planet, by Sarah Lazarovic
Wastelands: The True Story of Farm Country on Trial, by Corban Addison
AirNow website – What You Can Do to Help Keep the Air Cleaner
Study Leader Bios