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Patricia K. Tull is the author of the Bible study Inhabiting Eden: Christians, the Bible, and the Ecological Crisis (Westminster/John Knox), as well as a January 2023 Presbyterian Outlook article on older adults and creation care and the 2024-2025 Horizons Bible Study on environmental justice. As A.B. Rhodes Professor Emerita of Old Testament at Louisville Seminary, Trisha has devoted her post-academic life to environmental theology. She is a Climate Reality presenter, a GreenFaith fellow, former program director for Hoosier Interfaith Power & Light, and the 2016 recipient of the William Gibson Eco-Justice Award. She and her spouse, the Rev. Don Summerfield, live in a net-zero energy home outside of Henryville, Indiana.
Dan Terpstra (PhD, chemistry) is a ruling elder at First Presbyterian Church in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, a former Moderator of Fossil Free PCUSA, a retired research associate at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, a member of Presbytery of East Tennessee Climate & Energy Stewardship Team that created the Carbon Footprint Fund and is currently chairing a committee to explore installing solar panels on his church.
Jim Antal is a climate activist, author and public theologian. He serves as Special Advisor on Climate Justice to the President of the United Church of Christ. Antal’s book, Climate Church, Climate World was featured in the Chicago Tribune and Christian Century, is a popular book for churches and will soon be coming out in a second edition. Jim was a presenter in PEC’s November 2022 webinar on Climate Change & Midterm Elections. In March 2023, a new revised & updated edition of Jim Antal’s book Climate Church, Climate World will be released. It’s available for ordering now. Consider ordering 10 or more copies for a congregational read. Use promo code 4S23CCCW35 and receive a 35% discount! Find and share details on the following LINK
Bruce Gillette, Moderator of Presbyterians for Earth Care, will be the webinar host. Bruce has been an instructor in the Older Adult Ministry certificate program at Columbia Seminary. He wrote the overture approved by the 2016 PC(USA) General Assembly and Presbyteries that amended the Book of Order by adding the phrase “caring for God’s creation” to the responsibilities of all church members. He also wrote the original draft of the “Creation and Unity” report approved by the World Communion of Reformed Churches’ 2017 General Council meeting in Germany. Bruce co-founded Delaware Interfaith Power & Light. Bruce and his wife, Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, were the co-pastors of Limestone Presbyterian Church in Delaware when it installed 180 solar panels on its sanctuary roof and built community and rain gardens. They earlier served the First Presbyterian Church in Pitman, NJ, a community that was once the number one clean-up site for the EPA Superfund. They serve now as the pastors of the First Presbyterian Union Church in Owego, New York.