Sustainable Holidays: Celebrating Christmas with a Focus on Earth Care
Sustainable Holidays
This presentation discusses the ecological issue of world-wide deforestation, what we can do about it, and ways to lessen our impact on the earth. A special focus will be given to One Tree Planted’s updated list of 15 ways to celebrate the holidays with more of a focus on caring for our natural environment.
Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Presenters: Angela Peterson, Program Manager for One Tree Planted; Jessica Maudlin, Presbyterian Hunger Program
Angela Peterson is the Program Manager for Indigenous and Local Communities at One Tree Planted where she specializes in reforestation projects that amplify social impact. She recently graduated with a Master of International Affairs in Energy and the Environment from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. Prior to her current position, she worked for international NGOs in South America and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Jessica Maudlin, Associate for Sustainable Living & Earth Care Concerns, Presbyterian Hunger Program, will share briefly about the PHP’s suggestions for Reclaiming the Holidays and holiday travel offsets through the Presbyterian Tree Fund.